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Adam Roseman, CEO of ARC Investment Partners, a Beverly Hills-based private equity firm.
In: Adam Roseman
6 Mar 2012Chinese inflation lessened slightly in December, preparing the nation for increasingly relaxed policies in the face of a slowing economy, according to an ARC China newsletter written by Adam Roseman. “Consumer prices rose 4.1% from a year earlier, the lowest in 15 months and well below July’s peak of 6.5%,” he wrote. “It was only […]
In: Adam Roseman
18 Nov 2011In an article in ARC China’s newsletter, Adam Roseman discussed property prices in China. The property market, a primary player in Chinese economy, has shown signs of an increasing slowdown as prices flatline. The average housing prices throughout the nation has risen just 0.01% since Agust. “Cooling red-hot housing prices is just like putting out […]
In: ARC China
17 Jul 2011Adam Roseman of ARC China recently discussed Prada’s initial public offering in Hong Kong in the company’s newsletter. He explained that Prada SpA hopes to raise as much as $2.6 billion in the offering. According to Scilla Huang Sun, equity head at Swiss & Global Asset Management, on average, Chinese consumer companies “have a higher […]
Bloomberg recently reported that China’s inflation rate has accelerated to 5.5%. As Bloomberg reported, “Signs the world’s second-biggest economy is maintaining momentum after increases in borrowing costs and curbs on real estate may have encouraged policy makers to add to tightening measures. At the same time, weakness in the global economy and data yesterday showing […]
Stay up to date on the economic news from China. Gain insight from leading investors in the Chinese market, like Adam Roseman of ARC Investment Partners. Follow the economic trends and changes occurring in the global marketplace, as they relate to changes taking place in China.