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Adam Roseman, CEO of ARC Investment Partners, a Beverly Hills-based private equity firm.
Adam Roseman of ARC China was asked to explain a little bit about what he and his investment company is doing in China and what investors can expect from ventures in the Chinese economy.
As the CEO of ARC China, Adam Roseman is entrenched in the business world. At the same time, he is committed to charitable causes and to helping others both financially and with his time. When asked about his philanthropic work, Adam Roseman said, ““We measure our success not only by our business results, but by […]
As Adam Roseman ARC China explains, “ARC China is pleased to announce its partnership with one of the important government entities and a leading venture capital on the rollout of its RMB fund management platform.
Stay up to date on the economic news from China. Gain insight from leading investors in the Chinese market, like Adam Roseman of ARC Investment Partners. Follow the economic trends and changes occurring in the global marketplace, as they relate to changes taking place in China.