Chinese Inflation Falls: Adam Roseman

In: Adam Roseman

6 Mar 2012

Chinese inflation lessened slightly in December, preparing the nation for increasingly relaxed policies in the face of a slowing economy, according to an ARC China newsletter written by Adam Roseman.

“Consumer prices rose 4.1% from a year earlier, the lowest in 15 months and well below July’s peak of 6.5%,” he wrote. “It was only the fifth consecutive month of receding inflation. However, China’s consumer price index only edged 0.1 percentage point lower from November, compared with larger 1.3 and 0.6 percentage point drops in the previous two months.

“Analysts said that seasonal factors were partly to blame for the more moderate dip in inflation, as Chinese New Year fell earlier in 2012 than in recent years, fueling a mini-spending splurge in December, which helped push up food prices.”

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