Entrepreneur on young businessmen

In: ARC China

31 Mar 2009


Adam M. Roseman is young and successful, and he  is particularly accomplished to be involved in the global investments and venture capital  sphere of investment in the Chinese domestic markets.

The Entrepreneur ran an article on twenty businesses run by people who are in their twenties.

The twenty entrepreneurs the article listed included Levi Brooks, Jason Farrel, Val Kolton, Jamie Dietenhofer,  Tim Urban, Julie Novotny, Adam Roseman, Ben Goldhirsh, Mikayel Israyelyan and others.

“Call it the entrepreneurial generation. Those born in 1977 and thereafter–many of whom are in their 20s–are more interested in starting their own businesses, and at younger ages, than any previous generation.
University programs in entrepreneuralism were rare years ago, but today more than 350 colleges and universities have such programs…

“Very few young people today haven’t been touched by a relative or someone close to them losing a job,” said Hank Kopcial, executive director of the entrepreneurial foundation at the National Federation of Independent Business. “Starting your own business is a way to ensure that you will have the decision-making capacity and not be laid off.”

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