Doing Business in China: ARC China

In: Adam Roseman|ARC China|Business News

11 Sep 2010

Certainly, in order to do business in another country, there are many things that you must take into consideration.  For those who have been successful at doing business in China, like ARC China with Adam Roseman, they have followed through with these tips, and have found many of their own as well.

Before investing in China, you need to understand the culture of the country.  Particularly if your company is going to open an office in China, like ARC China has done, you’ll need to truly invest time and energy into getting to know their work ethic, policies, ways of operating and more.

Next, make sure to get to know China’s business culture.  What works in the American business world does not, necessarily, work in China.  You’ll need to figure out which region of China to focus your energies on, and will need to learn how the local people think and do business.

You’ll need flexibility and adaptability to say on top of your business practices there.

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