Details on the ARC Westly China Fund

In: Adam Roseman|ARC China

10 Jun 2011

As stated by ARC China, where Adam Roseman is the Founder and Managing Director, the ARC Westly China Fund focuses on investments in the consumption-oriented high-growth enterprises.  They focus on China’s Tier II and Tier III cities.

Their unique structure welcomes non-China LPs to be able to participate in RMB denominated investment with its offshore USD Fund.

The Westly Fund focuses on investing in Chinese domestic enterprises that are profitable and have great potential for growth and that are low in risk.  They say that they focus on industries that are consistent with NDRC’s 5-year plan of looking at domestic consumption, sustainability and healthcare.

As reported on the ARC China site, “ The fund seeks to achieve consistent value realization across the portfolio through multi options, exit driven strategy led by our extensive in-house due diligence team with a strong mix of local Chinese and international professionals.”

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