Adam Roseman’s Input at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

In: Adam Roseman|Cedars-Sinai

25 Aug 2010

Adam Roseman participates in many charitable events, and serves on various boards working for the community.  One of these is the Board of Governors of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center which raises significant monies for the development of various units in the hospital.  Most recent news is the Institute’s opening of an innovative 30-bed in-patient unit “dedicated to providing advanced heart failure patients with an intensive, multidisciplinary approach to inpatient care.”  This new unit is set to “improve upon the standard of care by providing, among other innovations, a team approach to patient management, real-time monitoring of heart function, and intensive education of patients and families as to how to make heart-healthy lifestyle changes and avoid repeat hospitalizations.”  The unit is the first of its kind in California.

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